Hi u ols. How was ur weekend? My weekend biasa2 je. Last friday nite I went to Pavilion. That was my 1st time visiting Pavilion tau. gila kampung saya ni ;P

Went there with my colleagues. Yes my close colleagues. We went for Fast and Furious 4. The movie was great. The actions, cars, soundtracks, and of course the actors! Im in luv with Van Diesel and Paul Walker back! This movies was like a reunion utk the 1st Fast and Furious. Sape yang mmg ikut cerita ni of course tau kan? 1st was Fast and Furious, then Too Fast Too Furious, then The Fast and Furious. Now Fast and Furious 4 ada Dom, Brian, Mia, Letty, and Han from Tokyo Drift. Tapi I wonder mana Han ni datang sebab last time, dia dah mati dlm Tokyo Drift. No explaination on that. ahh pedulik apa. I still luv that movie.
For the 1st timer like me yg g tgk wayang kat Pavilion, sangat la batak! selesa gila kerusi nye. Luas pun luas (of course la utk i adalah 1 faktor terpenting) and mmg tersandar mcm kerusi malas tu. Teringat pulak seat kat Cineleisure Damansara.

Then after movie, we made a move to lepak2 kat Lotus area Citibank Jalan Ampang. My first time gak. Mahal ek kedai ni? air buah sampai 5 inggit. padahal cawan nye mcm cawan teh o ais tu je. Hmmm. That was what we have to pay nak g kedai canggih manggih ni. hiks

Kami nye wayang kul 8pm tau. kami sampai ade la 7 lebih. everyone is in hurry. I plak ternampak kedai The Face Shop. Tahu2 nail colour is on promotion. RM3.90 each. Of course terbeliak mata i haha. Sempat ku kaut 4 colour je sebab in hurry kan. Dengan harapan, nanti pegi Jusco Bukit Tinggi bleh borong some more kan? Sekali kat Jusco TIADA STOK! Sungguh frust!

Today plak, I went to my Kampung. Ada cousin's besday party. Hes 14 today. hehe dapat makan pulut kuning weh! syok2. Macam biasa, of course la Mimi jadi gomolan daku. nak dukung2 takot. baring2 je la tepi dia. Eii tak sabar nak tunggu dia besar sket. Time kecik2 ni asal nampak baju, i belikan. wahhh mcm tak saba nak ada anak je kan? oops!
Overall, weekend ni sangat merilex kan. hihi. Have a nice Monday all!
igt tak tokyo drift last sekali dom dtg cari han? kirenye nyer cite no 4 ni berlaku sebelum tokyo drift (sebelum han mati).
ReplyDeletekan last sekali brian & mia selamatkan dom kan? lepas tu dom lari g jepun cari han(ending tokyo drift).